
For over 30 years Absoe has operated as business equipment product recycler by sourcing business equipment (e.g. office furniture, shop fittings, pallet racking, shelving), and adding value by a combination of upgrading, repackaging, and/or customising acquired stock.

Used business equipment that is unable to be commercialised is stripped; the metal is recycled by established and regulated metal recyclers, and other elements can easily be customised for other purposes (e.g. chipboard from one source can be cut to order for used shelving units).

The used business equipment trade is a grass roots and market driven recycler of office furniture, warehouse racking, shop fittings and metal shelving.

If you’re interested in selling your office furniture, shop fittings, pallet racking, shelving and storage equipment, contact Absoe’s buying department.

More about Absoe....

Absoe's wide range of business equipment is matched by the wide range of businesses it supplies too.

Absoe offers storeroom storage solutions, storage and office for demountables and mine sites, shop fit out furniture, and much, much more.